About APD

شعار الهيئة

The Authority for the Care of People with Disabilities is a Saudi governmental entity that aims to care for people with disabilities, ensure that they obtain their rights related to disability, and enhance the provided services in coordination with other entities

The Authority of People with Disability (APD) was established by Council of Ministers decision No. 266, dated 27/5/1439 H. The organizational structure defines the functions and competencies of the APD, which is the official and comprehensive reference for everything concerned with people with disabilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”


الدكتور هشام الحيدري
الرئيس التنفيذي لهيئة رعاية الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة
Statement of the Chief Executive Officer, CEO

Praise be to God Almighty and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s interest in people with disabilities is represented by the Kingdom’s participation in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its ambitious Vision 2030 which aims to strengthen the Kingdom’s role in granting people with disabilities their full rights. The Kingdom aims to empower them to be an effective part of a dynamic and integrated society that believes in the fundamental role that everyone plays to support the development and advancement of the Kingdom’s economy. Hence, the Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities has been founded to be the official umbrella covering all efforts made in the interest of people with disability. Our aim is to create initiatives and programs to improve their conditions in all social, professional and legal aspects. We also seek to shed light on the obstacles facing them and work together with other government sectors to enhance legislations, regulations and laws in order to facilitate their successful path toward achieving their goals. We hope that we will be able to meet their aspirations. 


الهدف الأول

To guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities

الهدف الثاني

To enhance the services provided by the authorities to persons with disabilities, in order to help them obtain the necessary care and rehabilitation

الهدف الثالث

To enable persons with disabilities and allow them to be effective participators in society.

الهدف الرابع

To raise the level of their protection and take the necessary measures in coordination and cooperation with the relevant authorities, in addition to defining those entities’ roles in caring for persons with disabilities.


مجتمع شامل وممكن ومتكافئ الفرص للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة.


تنظيم وتعزيز الجهود الوطنية المعنية بالأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من خلال وضع السياسات والاستراتيجيات ودعم الأبحاث والابتكار ورفع الوعي وبناء الشراكات الفعالة.


المساواة ، الدمج ، التعاون ، التميز ، الالتزام.                              


السياسات والامتثال ، التوعية والتمكين ، البيانات والبحث والابتكار ، تكامل منظومة الاعاقة ، التميز المؤسسي.